Capt. Peter Deeks - Going The Extra 100,000 Miles
LISTEN to The Peter Deeks Podcast - Tom Rowland Podcast
Podcast Synopsis - Peter Deeks on the Tom Rowland Podcast
I first learned of Capt. Peter Deeks from my friend and mentor Bill Dance. He spoke very highly Peter and that made me take notice. A second trusted friend, Joe Simmonds of Salt Strong also had a very high regard for Peter. I did a little research and got Peter on the show to discuss how he became Bill Dance’s go to guide in saltwater, how he manages to put over 100,000 miles on his truck, countless hours on engines, all in the pursuit of keeping his clients happy and returning. It is working. Peter has an excellent reputation that precedes him. I found out why. Check out this conversation with someone else who believes that guiding is an art form and continues to work on his masterpiece on every trip.
WATCH The Peter Deeks Podcast - Tom Rowland Podcast
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