HOW 2 TUESDAY - Permit Fishing With A Live Crab - How to Hook a Live Crab, What Hooks to Use, Rods, Rigs
Podcast Synopsis
Permit are described as the hardest fish to catch on the flats. They are my favorite fish to catch and I fish for them more than any other fish. Im not sure that I agree that they are the hardest fish to catch after spending so much time with them. The most effective way to catch permit is with a live crab on spinning gear. The choice of hooks and how to hook the crab to keep it alive the longest can make a huge difference in how many fish you catch. On today’s show, I am on the water with my friend Capt Scott Brown and I show you exactly what hook to use, exactly how to hook the crab and exactly what rig I use. To show that it really works, I was able to catch one and release it too. These tips will help you catch more, I promise. Let me know if these tips help you by emailing me at or leaving a comment below.

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