How To Avoid Dangerous Snakes In The Wild
How To Avoid Dangerous Snakes In The Wild
Podcast Synopsis
Kevin Pavlidis Is @Snakeaholic and he knows a little about snakes. In fact, he is a contracted snake hunter in the Everglades. While Kevin is trying to find snakes, the rest of us are trying to avoid them.
Who better to ask “How do we avoid snakes in the wild”?
We discuss the best way to deal with snakes when you encounter them while hunting, fishing, hiking or even in your backyard.
Many times, hunters and anglers happen across snakes and do not know the best way to handle the situation. Kevin discusses how all snakes in America are defensive to humans and see us as a predator, not prey. With this in mind, most of the time the best thing to do is to leave the snake alone. Kevin also discusses what you can do if the snake is in a place (like a duck blind) where leaving it alone is not an option. Be sure to tune into this episode to hear all of his great advice.
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