Summer Challenges - Add Fitness To Your Week!



Summer Challenges - Add Fitness To Your Week!

[Audio Podcast]

Podcast Synopsis

We are now on week 3 of our summer fitness challenges! Here’s the challenge for this week:

Add a finisher to a workout, or if you don’t work out, get 30 minutes of exercise a day. Do either of these challenges every day for 5 days straight this week. A finisher could be 100 burpees at the end of a workout, or a mile run to finish your workout. If you don’t workout, it could be going to a gym to workout, or it could be something as simple as going for a run or going to play tennis. Remember that with each of these challenges we are keeping the quote from Bruce Lee in mind:

“Absorb what is useful 

Discard what is not

Add what is uniquely your own”

Did you finish last week’s challenge? Let me know by texting me at (305) 930-7346

Summer Challenges - Add Fitness To Your Week!


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If you have questions or suggestions for the show you can text Tom at 305-930-7346

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