Emily & Amanda Gale - Gale Force Twins
Podcast Synopsis
This week I sat down with two young ladies that have an incredible story. Emily and Amanda Gale are two licensed captains from South Florida. They both grew up as competitive pole vaulters, and competed at the Division 1 level for the University of Miami. In this podcast, we talk about their competitive spirit, their upbringing, medical troubles, their transition into the fishing industry, and much more. They are both successful fishing guides, and because of coronavirus are currently full-time pursuing YouTube and are crushing it. Be sure to check out their channel to keep up with their adventures as well as their Instagram @galeforcetwins
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Barracuda Tackle - Makers of the best cast nets on the market BarracudaTackle.com
Empire Boat Covers - Protect All The Things You Love - empirecovers.com/TRP
Boat Hammock Stands - Comfortable Boating Awaits - boathammockstand.com
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