Laying The Groundwork For 2021 Resolutions - Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance
Laying The Groundwork For 2021 Resolutions
[Audio Podcast]
Podcast Synopsis
As 2020 is coming to a close, many people are starting to think about their resolutions for 2021. Many of these are fitness resolutions, but I am going to run through some principles that you can apply to really any resolution. In this episode, I dig into many of the things that you need to have set up in order to be successful with your resolution. Many times this is going to require a major behavioral change and it isn’t just going to happen without some motivation. I talk about one of my favorite books of all time, Atomic Habits by James Clear. I strongly recommend you give this book a read. You can pick it up here. James talks about how to have success with these behavioral changes in your life. Here are James Clear’s 4 Laws of Behavioral Change:
Make it Obvious
Make it Attractive
Make it Easy
Make it Satisfying
I think that if you apply these to your resolutions then you will have a much higher chance of success with your resolutions. I also talk about the importance of accountability in this episode. If you are looking for someone to help keep you accountable for your resolutions, send me a text and I’ll help make sure you stay on track. Just text the word “accountability” to me at (305) 930-7346 so that I know what you’re looking for.
Laying The Groundwork For 2021 Resolutions
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Barracuda Tackle - Makers of the best cast nets on the market
Empire Boat Covers - Protect All The Things You Love -
Boat Hammock Stands - Comfortable Boating Awaits -
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