Dr. Joe Martin- Rags To Riches To Ruin To Redemption




“I would ask, get the answer, and take action.”

- Dr. Joe Martin

Podcast Synopsis

Dr. Joe Martin is an award-winning international speaker, author, educator, and expert “man builder.” He’s authored or co-authored nine books, including: Are You the Man: 201 Lessons I Wish My Dad Would Have Taught Me ; The Real Man Spiritual Leader Blueprint; and Gifts & Handkerchiefs: A Lesson in Servant Leadership. Joe has spoken for more than 750 businesses, organizations, churches, colleges & universities, and K-12 schools/districts, and he was voted “National Speaker of the Year” by the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities. He’s also the host of the Real Men Connect Podcast, the top-rated podcast on iTunes for Christian men. We are going to find out more about his remarkable story of redemption from abject poverty, abandonment, abuse, and addiction on this episode of the Tom Rowland Podcast.

I was introduced to Joe’s story by a good friend who heard him speak the night before.  His presentation was described to me as “the best speaker I have ever heard”.  I immediately tried to reach him and we set up a time to talk right away.  

I didn’t know anything about Joe, and didn’t know what to expect from my time with him, but I was also blown away by his story.  From horrible conditions in Liberty City, FL (where Grand Theft Auto is set) to a 4.0 and honors in college, to a great job and being the author of several books before the age of 30.  Then, he lost it all from a series of bad decisions, only to get it back and then some.  Once he learned how to be a man himself, he dedicated his life to building men.  He now has an organization dedicated to providing men with the tools they need to be responsible and take care of those in their lives.

Joe and I shared an understanding of how creating a group of men around you to support, encourage, and to hold you accountable, can have massive impacts on your life.  This group doesn’t have to be anything more that just some friends that you trust.  It helps if there is some activity that binds you together as well.  This could be fishing, golf, workout, or any activity that helps to bind the group together.  I find, personally, that if physical suffering is involved in this group, it is even more effective. 

Joe's story will captivate you and inspire you as it did me.  I hope you enjoy this podcast and can take a few things back to your every day life.

- Tom Rowland