3 Workouts You Can Do In A Small Apartment With No Equipment
Podcast Synopsis
These Physical Friday podcasts have been a lot of fun for me to go through old workouts that I used to do and trying to find as many workouts that you could do with as little equipment as possible. I will be doing a live workout today at 4pm EST on my instagram (@tom_rowland) and my Facebook (Tom Rowland) and my Youtube (permitfly4). You can tune in on any of those and join me in a quarantine workout! Today I found 3 workouts that you could do in a small apartment with no equipment and one of them is from Gregor Gillespie (UFC fighter) and the other two I think you will enjoy as well.
Workout 1
This workouts is a ladder workout where you will do a number of burpees and then follow that with 10 sit ups. I start with 20 burpees and do 10 sit ups. Then do 19 burpees and 10 sit ups. You will go all the way down until you do 1 burpee and 10 sit ups. Time yourself and see what you are able to get!
Workout 2
If you have access to stairs - do 10 pushups at the bottom of the stairs, run up the stairs and do 10 pushups as the top. You can do this for 10 rounds or do as many rounds as is challenging for you. You could find a parking garage, your in your house, or use the apartment complex stairs.
Workout 3
This one you could use a dumbbell, or a big container of laundry detergent or a cooler... Find something heavy (I use a 50 pound dumbbell) and you will do the magic 50. With one arm you will do (5) snatches, (5) swings and (10) burpees and you will do it for 5 rounds as fast as you can possibly go.
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