Physical Friday - Week 3 Of the 10,000 Pushup Challenge
Physical Friday - Week 3 Of the 10,000 Pushup Challenge
[Audio Podcast]
Podcast Synopsis
We are getting close to the end of February, meaning that many of you are getting close to finishing the 10,000 pushup challenge! We’ve had two people already finish the challenge and I expect even more to be coming in very soon. Remember that you can start the 10,000 pushup challenge any time, and as long as you keep track of it and complete it, I will send you your official certificate. Text me at 305-930-7346 and send the word “Pushup” so that I know that you want to be a part of the challenge. If you need a good way to keep track of your pushups, you can get our tracking sheet HERE. Just make a copy and all of the formulas will be there for you.
Week 3 Of the 10,000 Pushup Challenge

If you have questions or suggestions for the show you can text Tom at 305-930-7346
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