Bouncer Smith - The Art Of Giving Back




“There’s nothing better than being able to give back to, not just the kids that are sick, but their families as well.”

Podcast Synopsis

Captain Bouncer Smith has committed his life to sharing fishing with others through articles, radio shows, seminars, and taking people on his boat, Dusky 33. Bouncer shares stories of how he introduces kids and adults to the excitement of catching bait to catching monster tarpon and marlin. I’ve now had the good fortune of sitting down with Bouncer twice (Click HERE to listen to the first podcast with Captain Bouncer Smith - A Legendary Life Of Fishing).

In this podcast Bouncer shared a particularly moving story which highlights his love of fishing and his mastery of the Art of Giving Back: He started out talking about being at an age where he has time and finances to give back and he has chosen children with illnesses. Bouncer will take care of a kid through “Fish To Make A Difference” where the kid, their siblings, parents etc. are all taken care of and cared for as they are going through so much. A highlight for Bouncer happened recently with a girl who lost her father to Cystic Fibrosis and her Cystic Fibrosis began to attack her liver and pancreas.

Bouncer threw a Christmas party and dressed as Santa Claus for the little girl. On top of how moving that notion is, there is another story going on simultaneously. Another girl, named Cara, had been saving up all year for a rod and reel, her dad had agreed to split the cost with her. However, Cara heard about the girl with Cystic Fibrosis (Dolly) and Cara went and spent all of her money that she saved on presents for Dolly. The girls had their families there, they built ginger bread houses and thanks to Cara, Dolly had lots of presents to open.

Bouncer then said that they needed to get Cara a new rod and reel since she gave that up for Dolly. So the rod and reel was sent to Bouncer and they called Cara and her dad to come to fish with him. He took the two of them out to feed tarpon some ballyhoo and he surprised her with the rod and reel.

It was an incredible story and Bouncer went on to share more advice and stories about giving back. A truly inspiring Captain and podcast. Check out the full podcast and check out Bouncer on instagram:

Follow Bouncer on instagram @captbouncer

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See you on the water,

-Tom Rowland