Habits - How Your Habits Become Your Character - Tom Rowland Podcast
TOM ROWLAND PODCAST - Master Your Thoughts Series - Habits
“You can start right where you stand and apply the habit of going the extra mile by rendering more service and better service than you are now being paid for”.
~ Napoleon Hill
Podcast Synopsis - Habits Become Character, Character Becomes Your Destiny
Your thoughts will influence your words, which determines your actions. Over time, your actions will define your habits. It is these habits, either good or bad, that will create your character. Your character determines your destiny.
The actions you take will, over time become habits. Habits are things you do repeatedly and as we have talked about in previous episodes, your habits are influenced by your actions. As we move through this 6 part series it becomes more and more obvious that each aspect of the Lao Tzu quote is built on the one before it. Today we talk about how your habits become your character. These can be good, productive habits or bad, destructive habits. Many don’t realize this but whether you have bad habits or good habits that is really your choice. That choice begins with the thoughts you choose. Those thoughts set off a chain reaction that ultimately determines your destiny.
It is important to note that your destiny is not predetermined. By the thoughts, words, actions and habits, we develop our character. Our character ultimately determines our destiny. This is all within your control.
Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your character, and your character determines your destiny.
See you next week - no excuses,
-Tom Rowland