How To Begin Your Road To Fitness (Step 1 of 4) - Consistency



Podcast Synopsis

For Physical Friday this week, we start a 4 step process to beginning your road to fitness. I get emails all the time from people that want to improve their fitness, but are not sure where to start. Over the next 4 weeks, I will go over, in detail, the 4 crucial steps involved in getting started, staying motivated and getting results. Week 1 is all about consistency. This is the first step in making fitness a part of your life. I go over some key things that you can do to help with consistency, and explain how I have applied these to my everyday life. Make sure you subscribe and stay tuned because next week we will discuss part 2, which is accuracy. In this episode I also mention a deck of cards workout. You can see an article and podcast about that here:

How To Get In Shape Step 1 Consistency Tom Rowland Podcast

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what's going on podcast family how's everybody doing today i am doing awesome!

we have started so many different things on this podcast, one being the fitness challenges and fitness friday physical friday i should say and we're getting a lot of good response from that we we've done a number of these challenges where we did 10 000 push-ups one month we did 3 000 pull-ups one month and that has really gotten a lot of people interested in improving their fitness because if you improve your fitness you're going to improve your performance in the outdoors and i've been getting a lot of emails from some of the new listeners we're picking up new listeners all the time podcast is growing very very quickly which i'm very excited about and some of the emails that i've been getting from some of the new listeners are kind of associated with how do you start this road to fitness like some of the things that you're talking about 10 thousand push-ups in a month there's no possible way that i'm ready for that that's fine nobody you know these are challenges while we were doing the ten thousand push-up challenge we also had a five thousand push-up challenge and a one thousand push-up challenge for people that weren't quite ready for the ten thousand so what we're going to talk about today is how i talk to people about the road to fitness and

i really think that there are four things to key on one being consistency the second being accuracy third intensity and fourth recovery and those are the things that that i key on and i encourage other people to key on so let's talk about that really quickly and we're going to have an individual episode devoted to each one of these so consistency is basically making sure that you are doing this on a regular schedule accuracy is making sure that you're paying attention to all of the movements that you're doing and doing them to the very best of your ability you're not cheating anything intensity you're adding weight you're adding you're doing it faster you're going further you're going longer that's intensity and then recovery what are the things that we can do to recover quickly so that we can get back to training and continue to make progress as opposed to not making progress so today is consistency consistency in my opinion is maybe the most important as you first get started well you know what not even as you first get started consistency is one of the most important things throughout your road to fitness now whether you are training for a marathon or some sort of crossfit competition or a spartan race or anything your consistency in your training is going to determine a lot of your success or failures down the road a lot of how much you improve and how quickly now what i consider to be consistency is how often you are going in relation to the schedule that you have set so if you're just getting started on your fitness journey maybe it's not important that you are going every single day maybe you're not ready for that and that's fine but what you need to do what we all need to do is determine a schedule for our fitness and then stick to it and that schedule can be based upon lots of factors your family life at home your current fitness level what you're ready for it can be it can be um just simply the amount of time that you have available during the week to exercise so what i suggest and what has worked for me and what has worked for a lot of people that that i have helped is that you sit down and you think about your goals you want to lose 30 pounds you want to get you want to put 30 pounds on your deadlift you want to you want to get faster you want to run a marathon whatever your goals are doesn't really matter you need to set forth a plan of how you're going to get there you're going to lose 30 pounds okay what are you willing to do to do that i'm going to work out three times a week for an hour each each one of those okay awesome that sounds perfect that's a great starting point work out three times a week for one hour all right now how are you going to make that happen is it enough just to say it and then actually gets done very rarely this is where a lot of people get off track they want to do it they have the motivation to do it but they're missing one point right here and that is scheduling it and when it comes to scheduling it if you're a bachelor and you this decision is only your decision to make great just just do it however you want to do it you want to exercise in the morning like shows in the evening whatever but if you're a family guy you need to this decision that you're making needs to be a life enhancer not a relationship ender and so i strongly encourage you to talk to your wife talk to your kids talk to everyone in the family and say listen i've kind of let it go a little bit it's very important for me to start exercising i want to lose 30 pounds and i want i feel like i can get there if i watch my diet if i start this nutrition plan and i exercise three times a week let's talk about what time of the day it would be best for me to exercise three times a week for an hour so that i'm not taking away time from the family but i'm adding to my health i'm enhancing my health therefore i can be a better leader for this family therefore i can be a better dad a better role model for the kids better at everything better in business better husband better everything when you do it like that your wife may say well you know on wednesdays we have uh you know there's there's usually a soccer practice that you like to go to or or um that's when you know the pta meeting is so that wouldn't be a good day whatever you continue to talk about it in my own life i have found that there is not a good time there's not a good time at all every afternoon is full of activities when you have little kids my kids today's my son's 21st birthday so don't have little kids anymore but at one point you know when you're trying to do this it's it's tough to find the time to exercise so what i did was to create the time to bring to create the time by exercising early in the morning so if i'm leaving the dock at five i was getting up at 3 30 and exercising because that was my time and if i didn't do it in the morning it was not going to get done and i tried many times to you know figure out how to get it done going at 3 30 is kind of extreme i don't really suggest that but the point is if that's the only time that you have to get it in then that's when you do it when you do it in the morning no one else is up you're not taking away time from the family that's your time you can do it now you could also say i'm fine with putting the kids to bed and then exercising and if that works with you and your wife's schedule awesome but that's a huge part of this is to find a time where you're going to enhance your life not injury relationship so that's one another thing to do to make it it uh to become more consistent or completely consistent with your goals is to make it fun first of all if you want to do something it's a lot easier to carve out the time in your schedule than if you feel this drudgery of having to do it so how do you want to go on a fitness journey some people think man that just sounds horrible already well what if you love to play tennis well how about playing tennis what if you love to swim well swimming great do something that you like to do what if you like to be with your friends create a group where you can all do something together a running group um some sort of exercise group where you're with your friends you're getting a couple of things accomplished all at once make it fun do something that you like don't worry about the things that you don't like if you really just cannot stand to run you don't have to run to be in good shape you do not have to run to be um a lot better off in your physical health than you are currently so do something that's fun another thing that you can do is to um find accountability partners like find somebody else that has the same kind of goals talk about it with them talk about it with their families and then you guys hold each other accountable if you're not if you start skipping he's going to hold you accountable or she's going to hold you accountable that makes a big difference having a group of people that you exercise with is also very very important you can really develop that consistency and you start to develop a habit like the book that we read atomic habits by james clear a lot of the things you know a lot of the ways to create successful habits is to do exactly that to create this habit that you actually like to where it's easier to do it than it is not to do it that's where the accountability partner comes in it's easier just to go to the workout than to have to field all these text messages of are you sick are you okay i missed you this morning i don't know where you are you told me to text you like this if you ever missed anything you know so now you're thinking about skipping the workout but you know if you do you're going to hear about it for the rest of the day because that's what you've set up you've set up this situation to where your your people are going to hold you accountable your accountability partner doesn't necessarily have to be in person these days you could have accountability partner on the other side of the world where you know it's your friend from high school or whatever you both kind of get back together and start talking about your fitness goals and he's going to do it on one side of the world you're going to do it on the other you communicate through zoom or email or skype or whatever you choose to communicate through and you can hold each other accountable that way you can share your results you can come up with workouts together it doesn't have to be in person and with coronavirus and covid we've learned that that you do not have to do this in person and in a lot of places and times we have not been allowed to do it in person so having an accountability partner somewhere else a virtual accountability partner may be a really good thing right now and then you hold each other accountable you're both progressing towards your goals and you're doing it in a way that that you like that you enjoy and that will create consistency so if your goal is three times a week stick to that three times a week stick to it don't deviate from it if you have to deviate from it you gotta have a backup plan we've talked a number of times about a deck of cards work out a deck of cards workout is very very simple you can go back to we'll put it in the show notes about the different decks of cards work workouts all you need is a deck of cards you make one suit push-ups one sit-ups one squats and one uh burpees or something like that and if you just cannot get to the gym you've always got that deck of cards you can always do that and you get something in right so it's always good to have something in your back pocket like that to where you know you could go run three miles or you know you could do a deck of cards or you know you could do some workout that you can basically do anywhere without any equipment so worst case scenario you could hit that before you go to bed right so that's consistency consistency is setting up your schedule so that you are going to get this done setting up things like accountability partners that make it harder to miss the workout make it easier to do it than it than it is to miss it right that is very very important and then finally do something that you really like if you really like it or you really like the people that you're doing it with you're going to be more likely to continue to do it and there's only one way to fitness man that is continuing to do something it takes a while it takes some patience but it takes consistency so that's this week consistency develop that consistency set your schedule get it done get it done don't deviate all right next week we're going to talk about accuracy all right thanks to you