6 Pool Exercises You Can Do On Vacation Or Business Trips




“Something that I always carry with me, no matter where I go, is a pair of goggles.”

Podcast Synopsis

Are you ever wanting to switch up your workouts and maybe test yourself in a different way? If you are tired of the routine of the gym and going on runs then maybe you should try some of these pool workouts. These are great for when you are traveling for work or vacation and you want to stay in shape and keep your fitness routine. I highly recommend that you always have a buddy when doing any of these workouts as they can be a little dangerous if you are getting out of the pool to do some squat or pushups and you are wet.

One of the things that I always have in my travel bag is a pair of goggles, I made the mistake once where I swam in a pool with no goggles and a lot of chlorine. Never again. I will use them when I want to try something different and change up my routine I will use the pool.

So how do you use the pool? If I am staying in a hotel with a really small pool then I will do one of the tests that they make the Navy Seals do. I will be in the pool with my hands above the water, treading water, and never letting your hands go in the water for 5 minutes. Then you can get out and do some pushups and sit ups and you are good to go.

Treading Like The Seals

Get in the pool and tread water for 5 minutes

Keep your hands above the water the entire time and don’t let them touch the water

After 5 minutes get out and do pushups and sit-ups

Rocket Workout

Swim 50 meters

Then get out of the pool and do 10 pushups and 15 air squats

Do this as many times as you can in 30 minutes

RECORD how well you did so you can track how you improve next time

Outdoor Pool + Cardio

If the pool is outdoor you can incorporate some running with your swimming

Run 1.5 miles

Swim 500 meters

Run 1.5 miles


Swim a lap in whatever size pool you have (should end up about 50 meters or so)

Get out of the pool after each lap and do 10 clap pushups and 15 squats

Do this for 50 laps

Changing Techniques

Swim 200 meters in different styles (freestyle, breath-stroke, etc…)

Swim 5x200 meteters in freestyle

Then 10 second rest

Then 10x100 in another stroke

Then 20x50 and so on…

Then do a 500 meter cool down.

Water Running

You can replace the gym with a pool and use the water as resistance

Run in place or have the water at your waist and run back and forth in the pool

If you want to look up some XPT training I highly recommend these kind of workouts but they are too much for me to get into today.

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See you on the water,

-Tom Rowland