Lawrence Gunther - North America's Only Blind Competitive Angler




“If we want fishing to be around and we want this resource to be around, we need to all start to paint those pictures in our mind very clearly. We need to start to share the love with other people so that they do connect with that. I think that is my Raison D’Être.”

Podcast Synopsis

At only 8 years old Lawrence was register “blind” when it was found that his central vision had failed, and by his 20’s Lawrence lost even more of his sight. At this point he began to see through his other senses and adopted a guide dog and took on reading in braille. Now, in his 40’s, after earning a Masters in Environmental Studies and nearly losing is ability to perceive light, his love for the outdoors has continually increased.

Lawrence has been competing professionally for over 100 tournaments and has more than 20 top-ten finishes. He has a popular documentary, is a TV and radio host and an incredible motivational speaker which is apparent from this podcast.

Aside from his incredible story and fishing history, Lawrence has an incredible impact on conservation and is involved with many organizations. Lawrence is the Conservation Director for both Ottawa’s competitive Walleye and Bass fishing organizations; Human Rights Tribunalist for the Ontario Government; Access Technology Advisor to Canada’s Senate; Chair of the City of Ottawa’s Pedestrian Advisory Committee; and, Director for the CNIB Lake Joseph Centre.

I was so inspired by the story I heard and how much Lawrence has accomplished in his life and the incredible impact he is having on the fishing industry and the environment. I hope you enjoy this podcast and please, as always, reach out and let me know what you think and give me any thoughts you have for future podcasts and I would love to include them.

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See you on the water,

-Tom Rowland